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Star Trek TAS - Season 1 - Episode 09

Star Trek TAS - 1x09 - Once Upon a Planet

Originally Aired: 1973-11-3

The Enterprise returns to the amusement planet where the crew had once taken shore leave, but this time things go wrong. [Blu-ray] [DVD]

My Rating - 5

Fan Rating Average - 3.78

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# Votes: 14 1 4 11 1 7 7 3 2 2 3

- In one scene, Spock speaks lines, but his lips do not move.

- This is the first episode in which M'Ress has lines.

Remarkable Scenes
- Another white rabbit from Alice in Wonderland.
- M'Ress with lines!
- The revelation that the pleasure planet computer has become disgruntled.
- The giant cat.
- Zero gravity Enterprise.
- McCoy, assuming Sulu dreamed up the monster attacking them: "Sulu!" Sulu: "Never in my wildest dreams would I think of that!"

My Review
Another rehashed plot from TOS, though like the tribble rehash it was very tactful and makes good use of continuity. The computer which provides all the entertainment has sentience and intelligence; and it no longer wants to spend its life in eternal servitude. The episode's situation is resolved peacefully without violence through negociation with the computer, true to the spirit of Star Trek.

The following are comments submitted by my readers.

  • From Yonagonaf on 2016-04-30 at 8:24pm:
    The two-headed red dragon reminds Yonagonaf of the cover of the first "Dungeons & Dragons Basic Set".

    Yonagonaf used to play "Advanced Dungeons & Dragons".

    Yonagonaf used to watch “Dungeons & Dragons” on television on Saturday mornings.

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