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Star Trek Voy - Season 6 - Episode 07

Star Trek Voy - 6x07 - Dragon's Teeth

Originally Aired: 1999-11-10

Voyager stumbles into Turei under-space. [DVD]

My Rating - 7

Fan Rating Average - 5.36

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# Votes: 30 5 4 0 4 5 7 35 18 13 10


- This episode features another ship landing.
- 900 years ago, the Borg had only assimilated a handful of systems.
- The Devore Imperium featured in Voy: Counterpoint occupies former Vaadwaur territory.

Remarkable Scenes
- The "underspace" dispute, the ensuing battle, and the subsequent ship landing.
- Tuvok: "We don't know anything about this species. They could be hostile." Seven: "Most humanoid species are."
- Seven: "The Collective's memory from 900 years ago is fragmentary."
- Neelix researching the Vaadwaur via his Talaxian database.
- Janeway confronting Gedrin about history.
- Voyager's battle with the Vaadwaur.
- The Vaadwaur battling the Turei.

My Review
This episode introduced many complex plot threads, but never sufficiently elaborated them. The subspace corridors were never revisited; I would have enjoyed seeing Voyager acquire a shortcut using them. The Vaadwaur were a great idea for a species, a civilization of conquered conquerors. Much like the Cardassians were on DS9. But we never see them again, despite Janeway's "I doubt we've seen the last of them" line. Overall, it was a fantastic episode, but I must deduct a point for the episode's inability to resolve its own plot threads and the series' inability to revisit these plot threads.

The following are comments submitted by my readers.

  • From Pete Miller on 2006-12-31 at 4:11am:
    Although this was an overall great episode, there were a lot of little things that bothered me.

    1. Another ship landing!? This is unbelievable, even for Janeway.
    2. Seven of Nine opening that stasis chamber! What is she, a n00b? I mean I get it with her Borg guilt crap, but I'm not convinced that anyone would do that without clearing it with the captain. What an idiotic thing to do. She should have been formally disciplined.
    3. Why did Janeway get in that alliance with a species she had known for about 2 hours? Even I could tell that they weren't trustworthy right off, and I'm no Starfleet captain. This is what the Prime Directive is for. Both Seven of Nine and Janeway are directly responsible if that race were to rise to power again.

    I realize that these are picky things, but the writers really disrespect the fans to make these ridiculous things happen. If Janeway was in the alpha quadrant doing this shit, she would be demoted immediately imho.
  • From Steve Mohns on 2010-08-05 at 5:49pm:
    This could have been an excellent episode. The idea is pretty original and clever. It certainly didn't lack for action and excitement. But there were several glaring annoyances in the plot that had me shaking my head. Why would the Vaadwaur on the bridge so easily accept the planned destruction of his race by Janeway? I could understand if he were pacifistic and had chosen not to help his race take over the Enterprise, but to head back down to the planet to give his life to help Voyageur target his people's ships was difficult to believe.
    Also, Janeway eases 7's guilt by telling her that she might have done the same thing. The real problem was not that 7 wanted to revive the Vaadwaurian, but that she just did it unilaterally. Surely that wasn't her decision to make. She should have had that pointed out to her by Janeway at the end of the episode at minimum as a moral lesson.
    A potentially fine episode marred by poor writing choices.
  • From spline on 2014-02-03 at 10:58am:
    Agree with the others, could have been much better, but I really hate it when otherwise smart characters act stupidly, and this episode was full of that kind of writing.

    On an amusing note, after Tuvok leaves Gedrin to target the fighters on the planet (with the chamber collapsing around them), Tuvok is never mentioned again! Voyager just goes to warp without him being beamed up or anything.

    After the cut, even better, Janeway's voiceover says, "...however, Seven of Nine has made an unsettling discovery." I wanted the scene to be Seven saying, "Captain, I believe we have left Tuvok behind." "Oh well, he will adapt." *chuckles all around* *freeze frame on smiles* *roll credits*
  • From Dstyle on 2015-07-21 at 1:58pm:
    Janeway: "I don't know if the Vaadwaur can be trusted. What I wouldn't give to have a Betazoid on board!"
    Chakotay: "You mean like Ensign Jarot?"
    Janeway: "Huh?"
    Chakotay: "Ensign Jarot. Back in the episode with the Devore she was one of the telepathic crew members we had to hide in the transporter buffers during the Devore inspections."
    Janeway: "Oh yeah. What ever happened to her?"
    Chakotay: (shrugs) "You got me. I guess she died?"
    Janeway: "Yeah, guess so. Shame, there have been SO MANY instances where having a Betazoid on the bridge would have been really helpful."
    Chakotay: "Yeah, we sure underutilized her, didn't we?"
  • From Dstyle on 2015-07-22 at 6:55pm:
    I also couldn't help notice that these Delta Quadrant aliens who have been in stasis for almost 900 years are rocking some very 90s shoulder pads. That's very fashion forward of you, Vaadwaur!

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