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BSG TOS 1978 - Season 1 - Episode 15

BSG TOS 1978 - 1x15 - War of the Gods, Part 1 - Originally Aired: 1979-1-14

My Rating - 4

Fan Rating Average - 5.44

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While Starbuck, Apollo and Sheba search for missing pilots, they find the mysterious Count Iblis. Charismatic and gifted with mental powers, he entices the Galactica's people, including Sheba, with promises of a successful end to their search for Earth. [DVD]



Remarkable Scenes
- The Triad sports game.
- Adama confronting Iblis about who and what he really is.

My Review
Another habitable planet, but fortunately not one with a human civilization. What we have here this week on BSG 1978 is something completely original. Count Iblis is obviously some sort of alien, or a more evolved human. But the limits of his power and his exact motives are left unclear. Personally, I thought this episode seemed to drag. It was a decent ride, but there's a great deal of repetitive concepts thrown around. Iblis spends a lot of time sweeping Sheba off her feet and manipulating people and it got a bit redundant after a while. Perhaps War of the Gods might have been more effective as a single episode?

The following are comments submitted by my readers.

  • From Hugo on 2011-08-22 at 12:28pm:
    Yes it drags, but it keeps the excitement going, and I am very curious to see how it all comes out...

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